What are the symptoms?

Hayfever can often be split into 2 categories:

1. Sinus congestion, watery eyes, copious mucus, itchy nose

2. Red eyes, itchy eyes, inflamed nose and mucus membranes, headache

However some of us unfortunate enough to suffer at this time of year can alos have both sets of symptoms. 


How to manage it?

Vitamin D has been shown to quickly rid the body of allergy symptoms and is critical to the proper functioning of T-cells, which are a crucial part of the immune system. A study carried out in Orlando, Florida, showed a positive correlation between Vitamin D and hayfever. This may seem a little backwards as Vitmain D can be absorbed from the sun, yet being outside can often exacerbate symptoms.

Local natural honeys are also recommended as a great way to get used to the local pollen in your area and slowly increase your body’s own immune system.


Reduce your dairy intake, dairy increases the mucus production in your respiratory tract and therefore increases your hayfever symptoms too. Try some alternatives like oat, almond or coconut milk.

 Avoid beer, swith to GIN. Yes, go get yourself a nice bottle of MALFY GIN. Beer contains lots of sulphites, histamines and sugars which will enhance your hayfever symptoms. Switching to clear liquers like gin, vodka. This isn't a cure however just a way to reduce symptoms and the runny nose and itchy eyes.

Vaseline, rubbing vaseline under your nose is an extra layer of protection to catch the tiny pollen particles before it enters your nose.

Tom Heeley