BLOG: Have I got plantar fasciitis? Diagnosis and treatment

Plantar Fasciitis is an condition that many sports men and women have suffered from during their lifetime.

Pain from a seemingly innocuous part of the body can hang around and not only flare up to cause some serious discomfort, but hang around for months like a bad smell.

Optimum Derby MD and sports therapists, Tom Heeley, explains exactly what it is, why it hurts, when to seek professional support and some exercises to help both get rid of it and to guard against it flaring up again.

“Plantar fasciitis occurs at the base of your foot, from the base of your toes down to your heel. You have a thick structure running between the two and that forms part of the arch of your foot and helps to keep the foot in a good place.

Plantar Fasciitis gives you pain towards the toes or towards the heel. It is often a pain felt in the morning or when you have been sitting down for a while. The sinews contract and you need to stretch it when you get up and walk.

The pain can grumble on, on and off, for a long time. I know patients who have worn all sorts of footwear to try to make a difference but to no avail and patients have told me that they have struggled to take the dog for a walk or stand at a gig.

I suggest, if your pain has lasted more than three or four weeks, you should see someone about it because the pain can expand to your lower back and other areas too.

It’s also something that you think has gone away, only for it to emerge again at a later stage.

Plantar Fasciitis is caused by the bottom of the foot taking on too much force because the rest of your body isn’t helping out.

Repeated micro tears over a period of time in the foot add up and form a thick piece of scar tissue which leads to plantar fasciitis pain. Treatment involves breaking that tissue down but also building strength in the background to stop it recurring.

Watch the video below to see some exercises to help your plantar fasciitis.

Contact Optimum Derby for more information or visit or website to book an appointment.

READ MORE: BLOG - How to gain deeper squats.

Tom Heeley