Optimum - Expert Physiotherapists, Sports Therapists and Sports Masseurs.

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Despite talking about abductors, gluteals and building important posterior chain strength, few consider the importance of the adductors (groin). The adductors are on the inside of the thigh and play a huge role in stabilsiing the pelvis, kicking sports like football and sharp change of direction sports such as ice hockey. At Optimum our therapists realise the importance of these muscles and how to highlight their weakness, how their role integrates with the pelvis and importantly how to build their strength.

The adductors are compiled of 3 main muscles; adductor magnus, brevis and longus. All of which contribute to adduction in varying degrees of hip flexion. Research has shown that in ice hockey groins and adductors need to have 80% strength of the abductors to reduce injury risk to the adductor muscle group.

Optimum’s physiotherapists and sports therapists are keen on improving the strength of the adductors to reduce injuries for sports such as football, tennis, ice hockey and even running, but also have the knowledge on how to rehabilitate the area and how they impact hernias, the sling network and the SIJ region.

Here are a few exercises we recently put together for you to try.